Anissa Acevedo

Anissa Acevedo

Class Year



Berwyn, Illinois



Anissa Acevedo ’26 likes to take advantage of the incredible opportunities available at Carthage. She is involved in a variety of clubs, including the Carthage Association of 护理 Students, πθ, Mi Gente,和 National Society of Leadership and Succes. She also traveled to Tegucigalpa, Honduras on a medical mission trip for j项.

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“People should consider nursing because it is a gratifying career. As a nurse, every day will always be different. You’ll treat patients with unique health situations and at varying stages of life. 的re are also so many different things that you can do that fit your personality.”

Anissa Acevedo, ’26

Why Carthage?

“的re were several reasons why I decided to come to Carthage. 的 small class sizes allow students to create friendships and build relationships with professors. 的 professors are always willing to lend a hand and help you along the way so that you are successful during your time at college and beyond. Secondly, the nursing program 有一个 direct admin program with exceptional faculty. You will start your clinical as soon as your sophomore year. 最后, Lake Michigan’s view is always gorgeous. Seeing it every day on my walk to class never gets old.”

教师 mentors

“的 faculty at Carthage are so supportive and care about their students’ success. All of the teachers I’ve had have helped me when I was struggling with a particular concept.”

Favorite class

“My favorite class so far has been my clinical class. Since the class size is small, we are able to get to know each other and develop a bond, which makes the class more fun. We are able to laugh and make jokes with each other. This also makes it easier to reach out to classmates with questions about what we are learning in class.”

Toughest class

“的 most challenging class that I have had so far has been Pathophysiology. 的re are some complex concepts to grasp. I am very grateful to have classmates, 导师, and professors willing to help me through challenging ideas to ensure I understand what I should be learning.”

Golden opportunities

“During my j项 trip to Honduras, we provided medical, 牙科, lice treatments, and medication to the people in the community. This trip opened my eyes and made me so grateful for everything I have. 的 people in Honduras were so happy and thankful that we were there and did not stop expressing their gratitude for us and what we were doing for them. This experience showed me that this is what I want to do; I want to help people and care for them to the best of my ability.”

Career goal

“Once I graduate from Carthage, I plan to start my career in an ICU unit in Chicago. Later on, I want to continue my education and get my MSN. Carthage’s program will set me on the right track for success while giving me all the resources I need.”

Favorite spot on campus

“My favorite spot on campus is the conference room in the 大卫. Straz小. Center. It’s the perfect room to get homework done, and you get a beautiful lake view while doing your work. It also has plenty of room, so you can study with your friends.”

What would your 8-year-old self think of you now?

“My 8-year-old self would be so proud that I am pursuing something that I have always wanted to do since I was little.”